CWL-Enabled Reusable and Reproducible Genomic Data Management and Analysis in R

Presenter: Qian Liu, Assistant Professor, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

Schedule: Session 2 (Online Only) Thursday 9 May / Friday 10 May, APAC-Americas Friendly time

The increasing volume and complexity of genomic data pose significant challenges for effective data management and reuse. Public genomic data often undergo similar preprocessing across projects, leading to redundant or inconsistent datasets and inefficient use of computing resources. This is especially pertinent for bioinformaticians engaged in multiple projects. Here we present ReUseData, an R software tool that overcomes some of the limitations of existing solutions and provides a versatile and reproducible approach to effective data management within R. ReUseData facilitates the transformation of ad hoc scripts for data preprocessing into Common Workflow Language (CWL)-based data recipes, allowing for the reproducible generation of curated data files in their generic formats. The data recipes are standardized and self-contained, enabling them to be easily portable and reproducible across various computing platforms. ReUseData also streamlines the reuse of curated data files and their integration into downstream analysis tools and workflows with different frameworks.

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