Introducing SWEL: SWEL: A domain-specific language for modelling data-intensive workflows

Presenters: José Raúl Romero, University of Córdoba, Rubén Salado-Cid


In the domain of data-intensive applications, workflow languages assume a pivotal role. These languages delineate the tasks to be executed, their interrelations, and facilitate their enactment through specialized engines. Nonetheless, the landscape of existing applications in this sphere reveals considerable challenges, predominantly attributed to the platform-specific nature of current workflow languages. This constraint limits their interoperability and the reuse of generated knowledge across various systems. In response to these challenges, SWEL (Scientific Workflow Execution Language) emerges as a domain-specific language founded on the precepts of model-driven engineering. It is an abstract language, formalized in an extensible and concrete syntax-independent manner. Conceived to encapsulate both high- and low-level characteristics of data-intensive workflows, SWEL is distinguished by its platform independence and its potential for collaboration among data scientists from various fields. Its architecture facilitates interoperability, the adaptation to existing support technologies, thereby enhancing the utility and flexibility of workflow management systems and the completion of its specification. SWEL integrates all elements of the Common Workflow Language (CWL). However, it also presents a supplementary viewpoint for the community, advocating a broader, more adaptable approach to the development and execution of scientific workflows in data-rich industrial settings.

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