Standardised Workflows at EBRAINS

Presenter: Sofia Karvounari (@Sofia) & Eleni Mathioulaki, Athena Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies


  • Session 2: :earth_africa: :earth_asia: (EMEA-APAC) Wednesday, March 1st 07:00 - 11:00 UTC / 16:00 - 20:00 Japanese Standard Time

EBRAINS is a European distributed digital infrastructure for brain and brain-inspired research, and the output of the 10-year Human Brain Project. In a recent effort to clarify the overloaded and overused term “workflow” in the context of EBRAINS, especially among users with different (technical/scientific) backgrounds, the need for standardisation in the definition of scentific workflows became apparent. The Common Workflow Language has been adopted as a pilar of this effort, hoping to alleviate the challenges that EBRAINS scientists and users were facing in terms of automated execution and monitoring, as well as portability, scalability and FAIRness. In our presentation, we will depict where EBRAINS was before this approach, what we are moving forward to and what are the next steps. Different EBRAINS use cases have already moved their work into the Common Workflow Language definition and are already executed into CWL-compatible workflow engines on top of EBRAINS’s complex underlying infrastructure.

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