Hello all,
I have been working with Luna and we have come up with a new template for the CWL website – https://deploy-preview-75--cwl-website.netlify.app/
Note: The text itself is still being updated and input to the website. So please keep that in mind before making comments on text. We mostly wanted to get feedback on the look and feel of the website before we get feedback on the text on the website.
This is a hosted version for you to review and not replace the old website until a lengthy review cycle of both look and content.
You can offer feedback one of three ways:
- On this discourse thread
- Using hypothes.is which is running on the demo website and allows you to make in-place notes on the website
- Adding new issues or adding to existing issues on the GitHub repo: GitHub - common-workflow-language/cwl-website: www.commonwl.org
Thank you!
Sarah Zaranek
p.s. I will be offline for the next 3-4 weeks, so if you have any comments or concerns that must be addressed before I can get back to them please let Michael C (@mrc) r Peter A (@tetron) know.