How to output non-file types from a CommandLineTool?

I saw this page here:

Which describes how to load data from a file in order to output it ;

Non “File” types using evalFrom

cwlVersion: v1.0  # or v1.1
class: CommandLineTool
  InlineJavascriptRequirement: {}

baseCommand: [ echo, "42" ]

inputs: []

stdout: my_number.txt

    type: int
       glob: my_number.txt
       loadContents: True
       outputEval: $(parselnt(self[0].contents))

    type: string
       glob: my_number.txt
       loadContents: True
       outputEval: $(self[0].contents)

However, this is not what I want. In these examples, you would have to write out all your data into files and then load them back into output objects from files.

I want to be able to pass in any arbitrary input into a CommandLineTool, then pass that (or other) data back out, regardless of the involvement of any file. For example:

cwlVersion: v1.0  # or v1.1
class: CommandLineTool
  InlineJavascriptRequirement: {}

baseCommand: [ touch, newfile.txt ]

  some_value: int
  some_file: File

    value: $(inputs.some_value)
    type: int
    value: ${ return `some_JS_expression_result` ; }
    type: int
    type: File
      glob: newfile.txt

This is just a basic example with primitive data types, but ultimately what I would really like is the ability to pass in a record type as an input, with one or more fields including File objects, then inside my CommandLineTool do some processing to make a new file, and then output that same record but with an updated File in its fields.

I have tried writing this myself but I get syntax or “incorrect field” errors every time.

The CWL spec here describes several different types's of CommandOutput and CommandOutputRecord object;

But I have not been able to find any real-world examples that show how to output anything from CommandLineTool that is not from a file.

Hello @steve

What you describe should be possible.

You can have an outputBinding for records both at the overall record level, or at the level of each field of the record.

For an example of the overall record level outputBinding see Test for outputEval on a record type itself, not its fields · common-workflow-language/cwl-v1.2@5551e59 · GitHub

Does that help?

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Thanks, that helped a lot. I was able to combine that with “custom data types” to get some demo’s of taking a custom record with a File field as input, then outputting the record with a new file from a command line tool

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