Hi everyone,
in order to use and share an R script with CWL, I am trying to create and reference a Dockerfile based on the R package renv
; mostly following the renv + docker instructions: (Using renv with Docker • renv and Docker – Solutions).
Does anyone have experience with that combination?
My Dockerfile
looks like this:
## Use pre-built base image coming with R and required system libraries
FROM rstudio/r-base:4.3-jammy
## Install package `renv` to Docker image
RUN R -e "install.packages('renv', repos = c(CRAN = 'https://cloud.r-project.org'))"
## Pull in renv.lock and restore it
COPY *renv.lock ./
RUN R -e "renv::restore()"
The Dockerfile works fine with docker build ...
However, when using it in my CommandLineTool, it throws an error, which I assume comes from renv.lock not being properly copied / found:
Workflow or tool uses unsupported feature:
Docker is required to run this tool: Command …
#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
cwlVersion: v1.2
class: CommandLineTool
ShellCommandRequirement: {}
- entryname: renv.lock
$include: "./renv.lock"
dockerFile: {$include: "./Dockerfile"}
dockerImageId: "renv-docker-test"
I must admit I also don’t have much experience with Docker, so my apologies if that’s a trivial issue.
Or can somebody point me to an easier / better alternative resource to handling R dependencies with CWL?